I was also my newspaper's Charleston Southern reporter, and the Buccaneers were going to play basketball the next day. I had to do one of our information boxes that would run in the newspaper, and I got the sports information director to fax me the info to the DIS pressbox. I'd given Mike the fax number.
So while pre-race was going on, I typed the box information into the computer, then took it down to the bank of phones to send it in. It probably took 10 or 15 minutes to do the whole thing, and then I could concentrate on the race.
Gentlemen, start your engines!
Who won? I don't remember for sure, since I don't remember what year it was. But it could have been Sterling Marlin (1994 and '95).
EMAIL: tgilli52@gmail.com or nc3022@yahoo.com. TWITTER: EDITORatWORK
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