Saturday, September 3, 2016

Ludwig and Merle

driving my truck up to the entrance at Daytona International Speedway, and a guard was going to check my credentials.

I was feeling in a playful mood, so I decided to put a Ludwig van Beethoven CD into the machine. Ludwig's Fifth Symphony came out of the speakers as the guard peered inside the driver's side door. He looked at the dash, then peered at me.

Apparently I didn't look like a Beethoven kinda guy.

Anyway, later when I was leaving, I pulled the Beethoven CD out and slapped Merle Haggard in there. "Mama Tried" was probably more like what he'd expect of me, but he looked at me weirdly again. He looked at the dash, then looked at me. Maybe he missed Beethoven.

Or maybe he didn't expect to hear Ludwig and Merle from the same wine-red pickup truck during the same day.

If you're wondering, I'm a big fan of both musicians. "Moonlight Sonata" and "Ode to Joy" are two of my favorite pieces. And "Mama Tried" is as good as it gets in country music.



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