Sunday, April 12, 2015


Years ago, they were about to hold
 the Birmingham Auto Dealers 500, an ARCA race, at Talladega (Ala.) Superspeedway. We were in the media room, and I noticed my friend Neal Sims, a sports writer for the Birmingham paper.

I went over and told Neil that I'd been calling the race the BAD 500 on second reference, and he nearly fell out of his seat.

"Can I use that?" he asked quickly. I told him, "Sure; just give me credit."

He never said if his editors (or anyone else) liked the name. He and I did, and my bosses at the Charleston (S.C.) Post & Courier didn't complain.

It was bad, in a good way.

P.S.: I just thought of this (more than a year later), but Dale Earnhardt would have appreciated the BAD 500.


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